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  • 執筆者の写真chizaitoastmasters


We had an early morning session this morning. We watched a TED talk and discuss ESG especially from an IP perspective. His message is this: pay attention to long term return. One attendee gave us a good summary about how IP can contribute to ESG or long term return. IP management is about risk management especially when it comes to short term management. But, IP landscape can bring a long term perspective to improve business decision. His talk made me think again that patent by nature is a system for long term prosperity. Anyway, we enjoyed the discussion and I believe that all of the participants kicked off to a new day.





Meeting Theme Heat Wave

Today, 10 regular members and 2 new members joined our regular meeting. We held a welcome ceremony and one of the new members gave a speech. The other new member will give a speech at the next regular

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