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  • 執筆者の写真chizaitoastmasters

AI Search

IP Bar had a special guest from Europe. Linus, CEO of IPScreener, talked about his AI product and showed its performance statistics. Patent community may need more open discussion about AI technology application to prior art searching. Both technology developers and users can help each other.

IP Barはヨーロッパからの特別ゲストをお招きしました。IPScreenerのCEOであるLinusさんが、AIプロダクトについて語り、性能を表す数字を示してくれました。特許コミュニティは、先行技術調査へのAI技術の応用について、オープンな議論の機会をもっと持った方が良いかもしれません。技術開発側と利用者は、互いに助け合えると思います。




Meeting Theme Heat Wave

Today, 10 regular members and 2 new members joined our regular meeting. We held a welcome ceremony and one of the new members gave a speech. The other new member will give a speech at the next regular

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