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  • 執筆者の写真chizaitoastmasters


We held the last regular meeting of the year this Wednesday. 14 members and 2 guests joined us even in the busy season.

The Toastmasters meeting program is crafted very sophisticatedly. Each session is supposed to be managed by minute. Actually, facilitators of Toastmaster of the Day, Table Topics Master and General Evaluator are very important in order to keep track of time. The table Topics Master was a great and wonderful facilitator. She asked a called-on speaker to choose one out of five questions prepared by her, and then the speaker gave a two-minute improvisational speech. Probably, she considered how the session would get more exciting and interesting in her preparation.

Despite the difficult situation this year, we were able to continue holding regular and special meetings online with the cooperation of all the members. Thank you all for your help!


Toastmastersの例会のプログラムは非常に洗練されていて、各セッションを分単位でミーティングを進めていきます。各セッションを分単位で進めるには、各セッションの進行であるToastmasters of the Day, Table Topic master, General Evaluatorの役割が重要になってきます。昨夜のTable Topic masterの進行はとても素晴らしかったです。その方法は、指名したスピーカーに、彼女が用意したブラインドクエスチョンの番号を選ばせ、その質問に対して2分ほどの即興スピーチを行うという方法でした。彼女は、Table Topicセッションがどのようにすればエキサイティングで興味深いセッションになるかを考えながら今回のセッションの準備をされていたのでしょう。




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