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IP in Vietnam

執筆者の写真: chizaitoastmasterschizaitoastmasters


On July 15th, 2023, we held a special seminar with 6 members and 3 guests.

We invited Mr. Doan Hong Son, an intellectual property (IP) specialist in Vietnam, to learn matters relating to IP in Vietnam. Many Japanese companies are operating in Vietnam, thus patent attorneys in Japan have to learn these matters.

We learned about the Vietnam-Japan relationship, the industry environment in Vietnam, merits of patents in Vietnam, technology transfer in Vietnam, recent updates, and so forth.

We learned lots of things proactively and interactively. Thanks to Mr. Son, our 3-day weekend could be fulfilled.

7月15日にベトナムの弁理士であるDoan Hong Son氏を招いてセミナーを開催しました。計9人(メンバー6人、ゲスト3人)参加しました。ベトナムに進出している日本企業も多いため、日本の弁理士は活動の幅を広げるためにもベトナムの事情を知る必要があります。





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