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  • 執筆者の写真chizaitoastmasters

Is it really alternative?

We invited Ken Korea for our special weekend program about ADR especially in the context of SEP. He gave us a concise but comprehensive presentation first and then we discussed ADR. ADR stands for Alternative Dispute Resolution. But, it sounded it could be "promoted" to one of the mainstream tribunals. It could be more realistic option. Thanks Ken for his time and the fabulous lecture! Contact us if you want to join us!

Ken Koreaさんを週末特別プログラムにお招きしました。SEPの文脈でのADRがテーマでした。彼の簡潔で包括的なプレゼンで始まり、その後みなさんで議論しました。ADRはAlternative Dispute Resolutionのことです。しかし、今後、メインストリームの紛争解決の1つの場に「昇格」していくかもしれません。もっと現実的にオプションになるかもしれません。Kenさん、貴重な時間と素敵なレクチャーをありがとうございました!参加したい方は、お問い合わせください!




Meeting Theme Heat Wave

Today, 10 regular members and 2 new members joined our regular meeting. We held a welcome ceremony and one of the new members gave a speech. The other new member will give a speech at the next regular

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