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  • 執筆者の写真chizaitoastmasters

Learn from WTO Negotiation

We had an interesting special program "learn from WTO experience" this Saturday. Our member, Tomoko-san, shared her negotiation tips with us. One of the tips were to avoid to be seen as a "final decision maker," or consult (or tell other negotiators you need to consult, even if you don't actually have to) a capital about a proposed conclusion. This may be effective in business to keep your position flexible or extract additional favorable terms, although some prefer decision making on the spot. And a US company generally prefer decision making on the spot. Anyway, come and join us! Contact us if you are interested in CHIZAI Toastmasters Club.





Meeting Theme Heat Wave

Today, 10 regular members and 2 new members joined our regular meeting. We held a welcome ceremony and one of the new members gave a speech. The other new member will give a speech at the next regular

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