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  • 執筆者の写真chizaitoastmasters

Mental Strength

Three early birds and one jet-lagged member on a trip aboard joined in a morning meeting this Wednesday morning at 6am! We watched a TED video, "The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong" by Amy Morin and discussed her speech delivery, contents and vocabulary. I think that each has their own thought on the topic and that it is not an issue of right or wrong. But, it was still interesting to listen to others about what they think about it. What I think is important is to understand that there are different ideas about it.

早起き3人と外国旅行中で時差ボケの1人が、今週水曜日朝6時の朝会に参加しました。私たちは、Amy Morinさんの"The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong"を見て、彼女のスピーチの仕方、内容、表現について議論しました。この話題についてはそれぞれが自分の考えを持っていると思いますし、正しいとか間違っているとかいう問題ではないと思います。しかしそれでも、他の人の考えを聞くことはとても興味深いことです。様々な考えがあるという事実を理解することが重要であると思います。




Meeting Theme Heat Wave

Today, 10 regular members and 2 new members joined our regular meeting. We held a welcome ceremony and one of the new members gave a speech. The other new member will give a speech at the next regular

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