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Stunning English Communication

執筆者の写真: chizaitoastmasterschizaitoastmasters

On March 27th, 2024, we conducted a regular meeting with 10 members.

Many members were extremely busy because it was the end of the fiscal year. But, this meeting was a stunning English communication opportunity as always.

First speaker shared valuable tips on how to overcome distraction. Overcoming distraction is an important key to success.

He recently moved to a smaller room and threw away things other than essential things. As a result, he can now focus on his work at home.

He shared things such as time management, turning off notifications, doing tasks one by one, self discipline and staying healthy

Second speaker shared the power of being an introvert.

He was annoyed with his introverted personality in his childhood days. He made tremendous efforts to be an extrovert. Then, he made it and he finally invited as many as 200 guests to his wedding ceremony.

He understands both being an introvert and an extrovert well. He feels being an introvert is not that bad and he shared several advantageous points of being an introvert.

Third speaker mentioned the importance of asking for help.

He emphasized that processes are usually not so important compared to results. And, he recommended asking for help to make it something. Asking for help might clash with our pride, but we don’t have to stick to our pride because results are much much more important than processes.

He shared his opinion with his experience in his university and Toastmasters.













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