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To Acquire English Communication Skill

執筆者の写真: chizaitoastmasterschizaitoastmasters

On April 24th, 2024, we conducted a regular meeting with 10 members.

We acquired lots of takeaways in this meeting as usual.

First speaker vibrantly presented the allure of Sado Island and persuaded the audience to visit the island.

The island covers a wide variety of activities and sightseeing spots, such as nature activity, tasting delicious cuisine, and visiting museums. Thus, Sado Island would be one of the desirable destinations for all of us .

Second speaker is into the speech contests of Toastmasters. She is a regular speech contestant and has great achievements of the past speech contests. 

She shared her view and experience of the speech contests such as tactics, recent propensity and analysis of the winners. Also, she could effectively encourage the audience. They would be determined to be a contestant next year and practice for it at regular meetings.

Third speaker shared her findings at the last special session of this club. She noticed several tips to well organize an expertise seminar such as describing facts, and sharing some points to focus on the prepared topics and have an interactive and vigorous discussion.

Moderating seminars of experts and satisfying them are usually tough. But we would make it by faithfully following the tips she shared.











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