December has come! Despite such a busiest year-end season, some members attended the meeting for the first time in a couple of months. Moreover, the new member who joined our club last month made a fabulous prepared speech to be elected as the Best Speaker of the day. Of course, the familiar members also participated in the meeting. We may all have different contexts (purposes, motivations, goals, etc.) for joining the meeting, but we are all moving in the same direction. We are sure that our club, CHIZAI TOASTMASTERS, took a steady step forward today.
師走になりました!そんな年末の忙しい時期にもかかわらず、数か月ぶり例会に参加してくれたメンバーが複数いました。また、先月加入した新メンバーも見事なスピーチを披露して、本日のベストスピーカーに選ばれました。もちろん、おなじみのメンバーも参加しました。参加する目的・動機・ゴールといったコンテクストは、それぞれ違うかもしれませんが、進む方向は同じです。今日もCHIZAI TOASTMASTERSクラブは、着実に一歩前に進みました。