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  • 執筆者の写真chizaitoastmasters

We miss networking opportunities with delicious food

We invited Yoshi, Senior Director at NEDO Silicon Valley office, to our weekend program. We had a casual chat on online networking after his keynote presentation about networking in Silicon Valley in the pandemic. Our answer is simple: online tools are effective, but we all miss networking opportunities with delicious food. We may forget how effective an in-person meeting is. Even in a group of 20 people, we could build trust with conversation with only one or two attendees at a round small counter table. We have learned both advantages and disadvantages of online tools. It may be good time to find good mix of physical and virtual meetings and "delicious food."





Meeting Theme Heat Wave

Today, 10 regular members and 2 new members joined our regular meeting. We held a welcome ceremony and one of the new members gave a speech. The other new member will give a speech at the next regular

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