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LOTs of Networks

執筆者の写真: chizaitoastmasterschizaitoastmasters

CHIZAI networks are well connected with the world, Silicon Valley this time. We invited Ken Seddon and Ilja Bedner, executives of LOT Network, non-profit community of companies committed to protecting themselves long-term against PAEs and their patent lawsuits, at our Toastmasters meeting. This one-hour special program consisted of 30 minutes for lecture and 30 minutes for interactive discussion. We learned concept, history and benefit of LOT Network.

After the special program, we had a regular program to practice communication in English. We are getting used to an online meeting, although it is still a little difficult to feel organically connected. One of the speakers talked about work from home. Asynchronous communication or no distraction from demand of immediate response may be better for concentrating on your job.

CHIZAIネットワークは世界としっかりつながっています。今回はシリコンバレーです。LOT Network(長期にわたり特許権利行使団体や彼らが仕掛ける特許訴訟から守っていこうと団結した企業からなる非営利コミュニティ)の幹部(Ken SeddonさんとIlja Bednerさん)をお招きしました。30分の講義と30分の双方向議論からなる1時間の特別プログラムでした。LoT Networkのコンセプト、歴史、メリットを学びました。




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